Although most of these things deserve their own post, a compilation will have to due since I'm so far behind! Anyway, August was a big month of "firsts" for Isabelle:
1. She turned 9 months old on the 9th. At her check-up, she weighed 19.8 pounds and was 28 1/4 inches long.
2. She tried many new foods for the first time. At her 9 month check-up, her pediatrician told us we could let her eat just about anything, so she's loved expanding her menu beyond baby food. She'll pretty much eat anything, but so far, some of her favorites include cheese, strawberries, watermelon, black beans, and chicken.
3. She started playing peek-a-boo. She actually started doing this the last couple days of our trip to Salt Lake. She'll pull her shirt or bath towel up over her head and then quickly pull it down and then laugh when we say "Where's Isabelle - Peek-a-boo"!
4. She started dancing. She first started dancing to her "Baby Signing Time" DVDs and now she dances along to most any music. We were at the airport yesterday coming home from Denver and a man sitting by us had his music turned up really loud and Izzie started bopping along.
5. She learned how to wave.
6. She learned how to clap. The video below is of her waving and clapping.
7. She took her first steps (I will create a separate post for this since it's fairly significant and I have a cute video of her).
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