Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independence Day Celebration

This year we celebrated the 4th of July a day early. Our friends Niki, Greg & Alexa and Britany, Jeremy, Maya, & Kenyon came up for a fun-filled day in Anthem. Niki and Alexa came up earlier in the day and Izzie and Alexa had a great time playing (don't they look like they could almost be sisters?).

Later in the afternoon, everyone else arrived and Niki, Britany, and I left the kids with the dads and went shopping at the outlet mall for a little while. After shopping, we all headed over to the water park for some splish'n and splash'n.

After swimming, we went back to our house and had a barbecue. Then, Niki, Greg & Alexa headed for home and the rest of us went to the park to watch fireworks. We were worried about Izzie screaming her guts out (since she's afraid of anything loud like the vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, and blender), but to our amazement, she slept through it all! She must have been exhausted after such a fun day with friends.

Thanks Niki, Greg, Britany, and Jeremy for making the journey clear up here. We had a good time!

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