Monday, October 8, 2007

11 Months Old

Isabelle turns 11 months old today. I can't believe she's almost one! This past month has been exciting as she's learned how to walk, sign, and say a few more words than just da da and ma ma. She's been watching the "Baby Signing Time" DVDs for a couple of months now and over the past six weeks or so she's started signing eat, banana, all done, ball, boat, wash hands, more, dog, milk, shoes, car, book, bird and occasionally she'll try water, cracker, fish, brush teeth and train. She also says dad, mom, yellow, water, ball, more, fishy, cheese, yeah, flower, bow wow (random, I know) and I've heard her try grandpa and grandma a couple of times during the video. Danny and I are probably the only ones able to understand most of her words at this point, but it's a good start to her toddler vocabulary! She also tries to do the actions to itsy bitsy spider.

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