Monday, October 22, 2007

Railroad Park

Last Thursday Isabelle and I met our friends Britany, Maya, & Kenyon, Niki & Alexa, and Bettina & Devyn at the cutest park in Scottsdale for a little picnic and fun. They have a train ride, a carousel, a couple different playgrounds, an ice cream parlour and lots of grass-areas and picnic tables. I wish I had taken more pictures to show the park better, but Izzie had fun on her first train and carousel rides. While on the train, she waved, signed train, and had a hard time sitting still on her seat of course. She wasn't too sure about the carousel ride and I actually had to take her off the horse half way through and just hold her (I can't blame her for that since I hate rides that go in circles)!

Left: Izzie's first train ride. Right: Alexa & Izzie chill'n in their strollers.

Left: Izzie. Right: Maya, Britany & Kenyon on the train.

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